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I am a work in progress. Always trying to improve my inner-self. How can anyone judge another without first doing inventory on one's self?

Friday, June 11, 2010

LOOK what i got!!

The mail came and I got a SURPRISE!  My  "Stampin' Sister, "  Leonie,  all the way from Australia sent me an envelope FULL of delightful embellishments!!!   YAY!  I'm soooooo excited!  Look how many exclamation points I've used so far!!

check out the most ADORABLE little easel card she sent:

I am so honored to recieve this remarkable creation.  You have GOT to see this in person because as cute and the photo is, to hold this gem in your hand simply fillS ONE with instant happiness  :)


Graphicat said...

Um looking at it fills me with happiness! That is gorgeous! Im so jealous! LOL Next round... Im in next round.. :o)

Leonie said...

O I ams o happy you like it. feels me with happiness knowing that you do. :)
Hugs Leonie